Te Ekenga o Te Tangata
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Te Ekenga o Te Tangata

Te Ekenga o Te Tangata

Te Arawa focused, these original artworks have been collated to be colouring books: as a health promotion initiative.

The drawings are inspired by whakapapa narratives, in this instance, those that honour and celebrate sexual health. Intended with humour, Puhaorangi, Tamatekapua, Rangitihi, Tutanekai, Kurungaituku, Whakaotirangi, Hinemoa and Hinehopu are both reimagined and reinvented.

This is the first indigenous sexual health resource of its kind: becoming a sub-genre of the colouring space as therapy. These resources are intended to be both meaningful and authentic.

He aroha kei roto, he akoranga kei roto.

These are our stories. This collection intends to:

  1. Promote Hauora Wahine and Hauora Tāne to Te Arawa rohe and beyond
  2. Use whakapapa narratives to encourage positive sexual health practice
  3. Demystify and normalise our terms of reference.
  4. Patua te weriweri nei te whakamā

December 1, 2016

